15 Narcissistic Religious Abuse Tactics By Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC |
Dr. Margaret T. Singer's Continuum of Influence and Persuasion |
How To Spot A Spiritual Sexual Predator By Chaya Kurtz January 4, 2016 |
Strong Indications that our Relationship with a Spiritual Teacher is Unhealthy |
Important Issues to Consider when Choosing a Spiritual Teacher |
Excerpts from The Sociopath Next Door by Stout, Martha (2005) The Sociopath Next Door Broadway Books, New York |
The Cult Leader as Psychopath, excerpt from Captive Hearts: Captive Minds by Tobias, M.L. & Lalich, J. (1994) |
Chapter 18: The Emperor’s New Clothes: Problems with Teachers Chapter 21: Spiritual Maturity Appendix: Teachers Code of Ethics: Insight Meditation |
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